When you need a professional, versatile, and real human voice for your voice over project, Brady Hales is the guy you know with the voice you trust. Brady’s work covers a wide variety of projects, including commercial, promo, trailer, and fun characters for video games and animation. You can find a sample of his work below and download them to share with your collaborators.
Voice over demos are the best way to get a feel for Brady’s unique style and humanity. It showcases just a portion of the kind of work he’s capable of bringing to your project. But for an even more tailored experience, reach out to Brady below to request a custom audition or a quote for your voiceover project. He would love to bring your project to life and will get back to you within 24 hours or less.
Commercial Demo
Animation/ Video Game Demo
Promos Demo
In Show Narration
Corporate Narration
Explainer Demo
eLearning Demo

Interested In Hiring Brady?
Have a project that needs a voice like Brady's? Please reach out! Feel free to request an audition or a demo.